
职  务:

职  称:萃英博士后



   王梦然,理学博士,我校基础医学博士后流动站萃英博士后。2017年毕业于我校药学院药学专业,获理学学士学位;2023年毕业于best365网页版登录生物化学专业,获理学博士学位,师从许兆青教授。以第一作者或共同第一作者在国际著名期刊JACSNat. Commun.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.ACS Catal.Chem. Commun.发表SCI论文5篇,申请发明专利2项。

(1) M. Wang; D. Pan; Q. Zhang; Y. Lei; C. Wang; H. Jia; L. Mou; X. Miao; X. Ren; Z. Xu; Site-Selective Polyfluoroaryl Modification and Unsymmetric Stapling of Unprotected Peptides, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146: 6675-6685

(2) M. Wang; C. Wang; X. Xie; D. Pan; L. Liu; Q. Chen; Z. Li; Q. Zhang; Z. Xu; Non-classical C-saccharide linkage of dehydroalanine: synthesis of C-glycoamino acids and C-glycopeptides, Chemical Communications, 2023, 59: 3305-3308

(3) M. Wang; C. Wang; Y. Huo; X. Dang; H. Xue; L. Liu; H. Chai; X. Xie; Z. Li; D. Lu; Z. Xu; Visible-light-mediated catalyst-free synthesis of unnatural α-amino acids and peptide macrocycles, Nature Communications, 2021, 12:6873

(4) Q. Guo#; M. Wang#; Q. Peng; Y. Huo; Q. Liu; R. Wang; Z. Xu; Dual-functional chiral Cu-catalyst-induced photoredox asymmetric cyanofluoroalkylation of alkenes., ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9: 4470-4476 (#co-first author)

(5) Q. Guo#; M.Wang#; H. Liu; R. Wang; Z. Xu; Visible‐Light‐Promoted Dearomative Fluoroalkylation of β‐Naphthols through Intermolecular Charge Transfer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57: 4747-475 (#co-first author)
